Monday, September 10, 2012

Importance of Vocabulary

After my classmates and I did the worksheet on probability we then went over a list of key vocabulary words. Vocabulary is very important in probability. You must understand the key words to be able to figure out the problem. If a question is asked what is the sample space of this event for example and you had no knowledge on what sample space meant you could not figure out the problem, even though you may know the answer. If you are not familiar with the mathematical jargon you will not do very well. It is important to familiarize yourself with the terminology to be successful in any area you are studying.


  1. This is very true we all have to expand our vocabulary. If we do not know what something means we could be lost in the problem and just give up. I can clearly see what you mean when someone might not know something specific and would not know what to do. The link in this post takes me to different activities that can be done in the classroom they are very helpful.

  2. Not only is it important for us to know the correct vocabulary but it's our job to use that vocabulary and drill it into our students heads so they remember. I remember some teachers using different vocabulary, kind of like " math slang" and then when the test came with the correct vocabulary term, I was unaware what exactly the word was.
